Monday 17 March 2008

Day two

Back at hospital being regaled with Sue's tales of no sleep and baby bonding.

As it's Monday, there's loads of people milling around now - physios, druggists, etc. It's quite different from the skeleton crew over the weekend. There's also construction workers making a hell of a racket.

Got my rellies visiting today - mum, gran and aunt. They'll be here about 3.

Before then we're to get a lesson in bathing Emily, who still has uteris juice on her matted hair.

Sue thankfully has been able to move around enough to shower, etc. Today we're going to go for a walk - down the hall and back. Tiny steps!

I also got a call from work today. It's odd how being in your own little universe can detach you from reality. Nice to have the call and be pulled back down to earth. Going to get a newspaper today to make sure nothing major has happened since Thursday.
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